Monday 27 February 2012

Poses update

After taking in some feedback, I've changed my poses slightly in order for their silhouettes to be more recognisable and strong.

Poses after feedback

 Silhouettes after feedback
The main differences:

  • The first model to the left now has 'negative space' between his elbow and chest; though the photograph doesn't have this, it also doesn't allow for the silhouette to be strong enough to be recognised. Its right foot has also been rotated more to ensure twinning (or mirroring) does not occur in the feet.
  • The second model now has his left foot further behind him in order to be properly balanced, however the front orthographic view of this doesn't really prove it too well. The model also has his left hand moved to the side more in order to see it clearly as a silhouette, as well as having his hips and collar bones rotated in such a way that complement each other on balance.
  • The third model also has its left hand moved to the side slightly for the same reasons, and its shoulders/collar bones have been moved up into a form of shrugging pose that better communicates the whole pose to the audience.
  • The fourth model has its right foot rotated more for the same reason as the first. It also has its left arm rotated as to create a gap, or negative space, therefore allowing better recognition.

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