Friday 30 March 2012

Decision for final module animation

For the final module animation we were presented with the choice of covering one of a number of Olympic sports to animate. I chose to go with sprinting as I thought it would be good to get practise in run cycles.

I thought it was best to animate the start of the sprint rather than just a looping sprint animation, therefore I'm going to animate the start where athletes begin with their feet on the blocks, and after that only 2 or maybe 3 loop cycles of the sprint.

Monday 12 March 2012

Jump Animation

Here's a video of a jump animation i started. My first attempt at this had the model jumping at unrealistic timing, where the anticipation movement of the jump was fairly short compared to that of the jump motion itself. After feedback i changed it so that the anticipation lasted a little longer, as it would in real life situations when a person is preparing them selves to make a jump. I also had to correct the jump movement itself too; the character jumped but was slouched over in mid air when doing so. It now forces its spine and head back as you would expect in realistic movement.

On the landing i have tried to show the follow through of the top of the body and head moving forward sharply after its feet contact the ground. The arms haven't had too much attention paid to them, and so are quite stiff and lifeless, however i have tried to make sure they do not mirror each other in their movement (twinning), as well as the movement of the legs and feet.

Walk Cycles

The video bellow shows my first attempt at a walk cycle. The animation doesn't show many characteristics in its movement, nor does it have proper arm animation, and it also starts from a stand still rather than being a proper walk cycle. Now i know what is really meant by walk cycle i'll be creating a new animations, as i thought what was meant was a walking animation starting from zero movement. Its a starting point though.